Friday, September 01, 2006

Ray Nagin: Idiot Extrodinaire, Part 2

Ray Nagin visited New York City in an effort to lure more investment into New Orleans as it tries to rebuild and renew in the second year of the Hurricane Katrina recovery. While in New York, Nagin tried to mend any torn fences caused by his 60 Minutes remark about the state of Ground Zero.

However, Nagin thought it best to not go as far as apologize while in New York.

Although Nagin did previously apologize before arriving in the city, one while being IN New York should have been offered.

From the New York Times:

Under fire for having referred to ground zero as “a hole in the ground,” Mayor C. Ray Nagin of New Orleans said today that he recognized that the place where nearly 3,000 people died on Sept. 11, 2001, is a “sacred site,” although he stopped short of an explicit apology.

“What I will never do again is refer to the site as ‘a hole in the ground,’ ” Mr. Nagin said in a news conference today in Tribeca. “It’s a sacred site that is presently in an undeveloped state. And I’ll leave it at that.”

Later in the article:

“I want to make sure that everyone in New York understands I love New York City,” he said. “I’ve been here on many occasions. And I think that we as New Orleanians and New Yorkers understand what tragedy is all about and we understand the difficulty in trying to recover from a tragedy.”

Fine, but why not be man enough to say you stepped way over the line with your comment?

Deputy Mayor Dennis Wolcott took the high road and stated that city officials had already moved on from Nagin's inflammatory remark.

Hopefully, New Orleans would not be penalized for Nagin's streak of idiocy.

The problem is, any rebuilding, especially if it really takes off and New Orleans becomes a vibrant city, Nagin would get the credit. Maybe some of it would be deserved if he works hard at this effort. However, people must remember that his case of political insanity and downright human idiocy have placed the rebuilding project in peril by possibly driving away business and investment.

Although Nagin was re-elected earlier this year, the people of New Orleans should not and must not be victims to Nagin's streak. Thankfully, it appears that this has not been the case as of yet.


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