Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Merry War on Christmas!

Belated it may be but the greetings and well wishes of the season should always be welcome. Therefore, hopefully everyone has had, or continues to have, a very Merry Christmas, a very Happy Chanukah, and/or a very wonderful holiday season.

Whether one is on the side of Bill O'Reilly and believes that there is a conspiracy of anti-Christmas jihadists schemeing to undermine Christmas in the name of atheism or secularism or Communism or whatever dark side is behind the War on Christmas, or you're actually one of the Christmas War gladiators, or you believe the War on Christmas is just a way to fill up time and use up stored outrage and that Christmas is too commercial anyway, the spirit behind Christmas should apply to everyone, regardless of whether they celebrate the day or not.

For once, bitter partisan politics were cast aside and people renewed their faith in humanity. People wished others of different political affiliations, of different races, and of different religions well for the holiday. Nearly everyone extended those wishes to American soldiers stationed overseas, especially those engaged in combat.

That atmosphere will not last long after the new year. Already, there are news stories covering current and upcoming partisan battles. Such is the way of life these days but there is nothing wrong with trying to retain the spirit of Christmas even as we push ahead into those battles. Perhaps if everyone tried to retain that spirit, even the most partisan and pitched battles will not take such a toll on the morale and civility of the combatants and the observers.

With that said, another year has come and gone while Christmas survives once more. O'Reilly may tout this as a victory, but the spirit and goodwill of people across the country made the charm of the season possible.

Merry Christmas to all. And Happy Holidays as well (take that, O'Reilly!)

Now we can get on to the next campaign in the Culture Wars: The War on Orthodox Christmas.



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